Sunday, May 14, 2006 

i is a lonely traveler

the moon tumbles over the ridge
shining beams across the fields.
i is a lonely traveler
watching the great parade of cascading beams,
remembering just a day before
laughing with his brother who smelled like too much gin.

he hears his father coming to comfort him
it's just the wind.

Thursday, May 04, 2006 

Apologies! Finals week

Sorry for the long delay. I try to post the next installment at least one week after the last post. Don't worry, after this week, I'll hop back on the train. Thanks to all who comment and read regularly! I thoughouly appreciate the comments/critiques!

About me

  • I'm Chadventure
  • From St. Louis, Missouri, United States
  • In stores, I usually mistake words like mad, sad, glad, dad, fad for my own name and look to see who's calling me.
My profile
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